Monday 21 April 2014

The Moment You Said Something Wrong

You always piss her off but she usually laughs it off.
You never were able to stay pissed at her for too long.
She never was able to stay pissed at you for too long.
No matter what happened, all you need is 'I'm sorry' and you'll be back on track again.
Nothing is too much, nothing can't be said and nothing can break you...or so you thought.

One thing, just one thing.
A confession.
Oh that changes everything.

You can't piss her off anymore because she'll start to demerit you.
You stay pissed at her because why can't she see that all you're trying to do is make sure she's happy?
She stay pissed at you because who are you to tell her what to do? Or feel? Or say?
'I'm sorry' is never enough and you can never say too little times.
Everything is too much.
Every sentence, every movement, every thought.
You have to be careful with your choice of words or it may become the last thing you say to your best friend.
It may become the thing you say that may lose you your best friend.

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